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Next up in the Mother&Baby Tried&Tested hot seat, we asked parents to give their opinions on the Childs Farm OatDerma™ range.
The brand new range for babies and children offers outstanding support for dry, itchy and eczema-prone skin using a revolutionary new formula featuring sustainably sourced colloidal oatmeal and oat oil.
Find out what our testers thought here...
When it comes to looking after your child's skin, what's the single biggest challenge you've been struggling with?
Gabriella: Our biggest challenge is battling with Ronnie’s eczema and it has been continuous since he was around 6 weeks old. Changes to the weather can flare it up, anything perfumed, we can only use particular laundry detergent and sometimes certain foods can flare him up too.
Amanda: Itchy skin is the biggest problem for my daughter. Especially on the upper arms, chest, tummy and back. The itching can be so intense she will break the skin regularly which upsets her.
Annique: The single biggest challenge I’ve been struggling with, is trying to keep my child’s dry /eczema-type skin on her elbows well moisturised.
Have you used other Childs Farm products before? If so which ones?
Kim: No we haven’t yet, so we were really excited to try these for her skin as I have heard Childs Farm is brilliant for eczema.
Rebecca: Yes we always use the hair and body wash, we love the smell of watermelon and organic pineapple.
Gemma: No this was my first time trying the range and I was very impressed.
What did you like about the new Childs Farm OatDerma range?
Nicola: I liked the packaging and it also has a nice smell even though it's fragrance free.
Jessica: I liked the feel of the Childs Farm OatDerma range on my little girl's skin. I also really liked the fact that there was no fragrance.
Elysia: That it was scent free. The moisturiser was a particular favourite it was lovely and creamy but soaked in really well. Their skin went from dry and scaly to soft and supple. There was an immediate visible difference. Also I like the new dispenser on the moisturiser, it's much more user friendly than on the the other moisturiser. The bubble bath creates lots of bubbles and my girls loved it. We also thought the packaging was really nice and liked the cheerful orange theme.

Is there anything you can think of that would improve the range?
Faye: I think a wider range of products would be really useful, including hair washing range so we can wash the children's hair with products we know are kind to their skin.
Gabriella: In terms of the actual product, there is nothing I can think of as it has been so successful for us. I’m not sure if it’s available but as all three products work hand in hand a bundle offer might be advantageous. Or a shampoo/conditioner of the same oat derma range as that becomes a struggle for us when he is experiencing a flare up.
Amanda: No, my only issue was the smell of the moisturiser but it isn’t enough to put me off buying again. I would love a hair product to go with it as we find shampoo can cause irritation as my daughter has long hair, that would be fantastic.
How did the range compare to other skincare products you have used before?
Kim: They were really soft on Aria’s skin, you could tell there weren’t any harsh chemicals used compared to other products marketed at babies skin which seem to be very perfumed.
Rebecca: I think it has worked well for my toddler. Some products I've used before have only irritated the skin so haven't continued to use them. The OatDerma range was very mild and gentle and no irritation.
Gemma: Fantastic, my little boy Jake wasn’t sore after his baths and the moisturiser really helped his skin.
Did you see a difference in your child’s skin after using the products?
Jessica: My daughter's skin didn't improve but it also didn't react which was brilliant.
Faye: Yes we saw an improvement in our 9 month old and toddler's skin. Redness and rashes improved within a week of using it. We were really impressed with the way it didn't dry out our 9 month old's skin.
Amanda: Yes the itching has subsided greatly, we find in the winter months especially when the heating is on it is the worst it can be but this has almost made it completely disappear. Even with weekly swimming there were no major flare ups.
Would you recommend this range of products to other parents and why?
Gabriella: For anyone thinking of buying and being put off by the price point – 1. The OatDerma range can clear up a bad flare up, it really is from personal experience recommended by health professionals to avoid the last resort of steroid creams 2. Keep on using it and you should avoid any future nasty flare ups 3. On average we appear to use 1 bottle of moisturiser every month, 1 bottle of bath bubbles every 2 weeks, so spreading out the ££ per use it’s actually very reasonable.
Annique: I would recommend this range of products to other parents, because it is sustainable, very kind and mild to the skin and contains a substantial percentage of natural ingredients.
Kim: Yes I would, I think Childs Farm are a trusted brand and these products would be great for parents with newborn babies as a gift as you don’t know if your baby has sensitive skin/eczema straight away.