Antimicrobial Hand Wipes by Clinell review

from Amazon
RRP  £9.92
Antimicrobial Hand Wipes by Clinell

by Emily Gilbert |
Updated on

Antimicrobial Hand Wipes by Clinell at a glance:

Mums often worry about hygiene, particularly now. Clinell Wipes are the NHS' number one disinfectant wipe and Clinell Antimicrobial Hand Wipes are perfect for hygienic hands on-the-go. Clinically proven to be as effective as soap and water, these wipes are a must for mums wanting to keep themselves and their little one's hands clean. Effective from 10 seconds and killing 99.99 per cent of pathogens, they reduce the risk of infection and help maintain healthy skin. With a dermatologically-tested formula, Clinell Antimicrobial Hand Wipes are suitable for frequent use and perfect for trips out and about.

We spoke to these real parent testers to get their review...

How did this product make your life easier?

Alexandra: These hand wipes are great for using on the go. The fact they’re individually wrapped and so slim means I’ve been able to stash a handful in the nappy bag, car and pram organiser so they’re there whenever I need them. They don’t leave residue or a nasty taste so are perfect for use on myself or my baby if he’s been touching things when we’re out - he’s too little for hand gel.

Kim: So handy to pop into a bag, car etc and have them on you when you need to anti-bac your hands or if someone needs one you can just give them one instead of searching for a bottle of anti-bac. They don't have an overpowering smell and I was so surprised that they didn't dry out my hands as the wipe foams slightly as you use them so you feel like you are really cleaning your hands instead of applying a liquid. I suffer from eczema and they didn't dry out my hands or irritate them.

Holly: The fact the wipes are individually packaged makes my life easier. I have them in coat pockets, car glove boxes and have even kept some in the pram. It makes it easier than trying to find the big packet of Wipes or hand gel in the changing bag. This makes like so much easier as a mum with only two hands.

Would you recommend this to other parents?

Lucy: They are nicer than a lot of the hand gels on the market. There is no nasty fragrance to them & they do not leave your hands sticky or dry as other products do. They are recommended by the NHS. These wipes leave your hands feeling nice and clean and feel as effective as washing your hands. The wipes clean & disinfect your hands whereas gels do not clean your hands. They are freshly sealed in individual wrappers which in itself keeps them hygienic.

Rachel: The product is very portable, easy to grab and pop in your bag. The wipes are quite wet and lather up slightly on the skin with no unpleasant scent. They provide a pretty good clean when the kids’ hands are physically dirty, which alcohol gels can’t do. The sanitising property of the wipes provides some peace of mind in the context of the pandemic.

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Rebecca: I would recommend the Clinell antibacterial wipes for their sleek design and also their kindness to skin. Repeated use of alcohol gels leaves hands dry but these wipes contain aloe Vera and I haven’t noticed any drying of the skin which is great. Whilst advertised as hand wipes they are multifunctional and can be used to wipe surfaces too and so they are an excellent option for travelling but also when just popping to the park or supermarket.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Jane: I think this product should win and I will definitely look to purchase these wipes again in the future. The entire family thinks they are a godsend - a random example, after cleaning his hands with the wipe my husband used the same wipe on his trainers and said it cleaned them well! (Ok, not exactly what they were made for, but what I mean by this is that the wipes are so versatile in their use and completely family-friendly.). However, prior to this - the only time I have seen this brand is in hospitals / at the doctors so unsure whether it would be an obvious first choice for Mums. Personally, we love them.

Alexandra: Although really convenient I do worry that having them all individually wrapped in foil isn’t very eco friendly. I’d feel better if they came in a small resealable pack to save the packaging or if they carried other eco-credentials like being plastic-free, biodegradable or being made from recycled materials.

Kim: Yes I would definitely swap from using a liquid anti-bac to these wipes as they are very hygienic, do not take up much room in my bag and do not irritate my eczema and i feel like my hands are getting clean when using them. I've also used them on handles and tables when out and they have worked really well. The price for 100 wipes in comparison to a bottle of anti-bac is a little more but worth it.

What changes would you make to this product?

Holly: I would like to see both the Wipes and the packaging more eco friendly. I am a bit disappointed that this isn't already the case in this day and age. Most other brands are becoming more eco friendly and I think this is where this product lacks in innovation. This puts me off buying them. We use reusable nappies and eco Wipes

Lucy: The only thing I would say is to make the wipes and wrappers recyclable. Not sure how this could be done without compromising the quality of the product. Many wipes, that I have used, that claim to be biodegradable often break (face wipes, baby wipes etc.) The product is exceptional but would be more so if it could be made environmentally friendly.

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Rachel: I would like the product to be reimagined with a greater focus on its environmental impact. I would ideally like the packaging to be fully recyclable, the wipes biodegradable, and the chemicals used to have the lowest possible biological impact (whilst remaining effective against bacteria and viruses).

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