Milton Mini Portable Soother Steriliser review

from Milton
RRP  £9.99

by motherandbaby |
Updated on

Milton Mini Portable Soother Steriliser at a glance

The Milton Mini Portable Soother Steriliser cleans soothers on-the-go. BPA-free, small and watertight, it includes a more tactile attachment strap, a wider base opening for larger soothers, and advanced water bottle closure technology (instead of a silicone rim) for easier cleaning. Using the tried and trusted Milton Method to sterilise soothers; add cold water and a Mini Sterilising Tablet and the Mini will kill bacteria and viruses in just 15 minutes. A soother will remain sterile for 24 hours in the solution. Available in four vibrant colours - blue, green and purple.​

How did this product make your life easier?

Kayleigh: This product makes my life easier as a mum as obviously it is transportable. It is a perfect small size and so easily carried in my nappy bag or handbag. It fits one soother in perfectly and gives me the confidence that I am giving my baby a completely clean and sterile soother once the sterilisation process is complete.

Carla: It makes it easier because it’s nice and compact, easy to use and portable. It’s not as great though because you have to ensure you have water and a Milton tablet with you. It’s great to use if I’m going to a friends/family members house, but I probably wouldn’t use soo much if I was out and about for the day.

Jessica: It was nice and small, so it was very easy to take out with me and store it in a bag or my purse. It was nice not having to always worry about taking enough sterilized pacifiers out with us. However, there are a few parts to the sterilizer, even though it is small, and it has to be used with the Milton mini sterilizing tablets and water as well, so you have to make sure you remember the tablets and have access to water if you want to sterilize on the go.

Would you recommend this to other parents?

Harriet: I would recommend the Milton Mini Portable Soother Steriliser to fellow mummies because it’s a lifesaver when out and at home if that’s the only thing that needs sterilising. It’s nice and small and can stick it to your changing bag when you’re out too. So very handy, no digging around the bag searching!

Bethany:  It was very lightweight the design was very simple. It had a strap so you would be able to use it out and about if you were travelling or on a day out. The colour was nice and it could also fit in a bag nice and easy if you were packing it.

Carla: I would recommend this product to a friend who wanted something quick and portable whilst out and about. It’s easy to use and ideal for just one dummy or a bottle teat. It’s nice and small soo easily fits into my changing bag or backpack. It’s also easy to clean afterwards and bright so I can easily find it in amongst all the other bits in the bag.

Would you choose this product above all others on the market?

Olivia: I normally have more than one dummy so whilst a portable steriliser is really useful it’s not essential.

Laura: I’m not aware of any products like this on the market, in which respect it does have a unique appeal. However, there are other products which would do the same job - the Milton steriliser wipes for example, with much less hassle. I’m not a frequent Milton tablet user so don’t have these in the house as a rule, but even if I did evidently you need to buy specific “mini” tablets for this system which to me means it instantly loses its appeal.

Jessica: I don't think the Milton Mini Portable Soother Steriliser should win, as although it is small and portable, it isn't always the easiest to use on the go. This is mostly because it requires the use of sterilizing tablets and water to work, which means more things to remember to bring as well as purchase. If you're traveling and are relying on this, or just even out for a few hours, you need to ensure you have purchased enough tablets (which are sold separately, adding to the cost), because if you run out then the product is useless.

What changes would you make to this product?

Kayleigh: I was disappointed that the product didn’t arrive with any steriliser tablets, I couldn’t see straight away from the packaging that it wasn’t included. I think it would be much better if it arrived with at least one tablet to try it out. Having to buy my own tablets delayed me being able to use it once it had arrived.

Laura: I personally feel that having to buy specific mini Milton tablets just for this dummy sterilising system makes it less appealing. Although I like the concept of this product, I can see it being something that is used a few times and then discarded in favour of something which requires less preparation, such as the Milton wipes or the MAM sterile dummy boxes.

Harriet: If I could change one thing about the Milton Mini Portable Soother Steriliser it would be the fastening on the loop for attaching to the changing bag etc. Sometimes it comes lose so falls off. I’d try get something that keeps it in place but overall a very good product to have!

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