Annabel Karmel by NUK Ice Lolly Set

from NUK
RRP  £9.00
Annabel Karmel by NUK Ice Lolly Set

by motherandbaby |
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Annabel Karmel’s Ice Lolly Set by NUK is a fabulous weaning product, and it’s great for teething tots too. The individual lollies are the perfect size for little hands and as well as a great summer accessory are brilliant for soothing sore gums.

The lollies can be frozen individually or clicked them together to freeze en masse. When eaten, any drips are collected in a ‘sort-of’ trough at the bottom of the lolly so you don't end up with a sticky, messy baby. The Lolly Set is easy to clean – entirely dishwasher safe, and comes in a variety of fun colours. It’s available in a set of four but a set of six would be even better (hint hint!).

Homemade lollies are simply the best – healthy, delicious and refreshing, and with AK’s nifty set in hand, they’re cheap too.

Product Information

  • Dimensions: L13 x W13 x H11cm

  • Dishwasher Safe: YES

  • Suitable From: 9 months

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