BEAR Paws pure fruit and veg shapes review

from BEAR
RRP  £13.49
BEAR Paws pure fruit & veg shapes

by Ellie Kirwin-Jones |
Updated on

BEAR Paws are a delicious fruit snack suitable for 12 months+. A great snack for when you're out and about and they need a little something in the afternoon! BEAR Paws also contain the same natural sugars as a small apple. You're never too old for these either.

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How did this product make your life easier?

Winnie: These are great for moments when you feel an imminent tantrum coming on. It has been great for my 3 and 1-year-old. The fact they contain both fruit and vegetables is a bonus, and no added sugar as well! You can also match the paws to the animals on the packaging which adds another level of distraction and great for learning!

Kelly: Good value for money and easy to grab - small packets so handy for on the go. I like the packaging as it is bright and therefore easy to find in a bag, my little girl also recognises the package and the Bear logo so gets excited when I get the pack out of the bag for her. Healthy ingredients so I don't feel guilty giving her a shop-bought treat. Lots of variety in the range with the different flavours that you wouldn't normally put together or make at home.

Amy: The BEAR paws fruit and veg make my life easier as they are an excellent way to get my children to eat healthier and to get more fruit and veg into their diets. They are an easy snack for me to take out with us so that the kids can have a healthy snack rather than eating crisps/biscuits/chocolate etc. They also look interesting which makes my kids want to eat them, they have different paw prints on them and also come with cards that give you ideas for activities.

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Would you recommend this to other mums?

Rosie: The small packets are practical, no issues regarding usability. My 16-month-old daughter can hold the packet herself, also if she spills any they don’t stain or cause a mess, easily manageable with little hands! And good bite-size pieces, better than the other rolled-up product for little toddlers. Easy in individual packets with a fun design on.

Carla: I would recommend this BEAR paws product for the ease of the snack plus the great taste - having tried both products myself they were much nicer than some other “fake” tasting fruity products on the market. The design; both of the actual product and the packaging was very appealing with the paw prints and I can imagine this being even more tempting for older children. The process of how the snack has been created was inspiring and I found the branding to be clear, honest and enticing.

Nicola: I would recommend the Bear Paws to friends and fellow mums, as they are a yummy healthy snack, which is appealing to both the children and me! They come in nice sized portions to carry about for snacks on the go or also as a treat at dinnertime. An added bonus is the fun activity cards that come in each box with lots of ideas for wholesome fun both indoors and out.

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Would you choose this product to win?

Claire: I have bought this product in the past and would probably buy again but I tend not to buy products marketed for children as feel they are expensive in comparison to general food. Overall though I do think this is probably one of the better snacks for children and is reasonably low in sugar which is always important to me.

Winnie: It stands above other products because it also contains vegetables. Very good for those fussy eaters where vegetables may not be their usual favourite food. Parents can be more reassured that they are not just giving pure sugar to their children. It also as no added sugar so although it’s a sweet treat it can be considered as a healthy snack!

Tamar: No, was a little too fiddly and also created a lot of mess when the baby would throw them about. Slightly small so I was a bit concerned about choking however this was never a problem. The main issue is the price where it’s cheaper to cut up fruit. Also, the baby prefers things like rice cakes and crackers. I would get these for slightly older children as a convenient school snack.

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What changes would you make to this product?

Nicola: The only things I would change about this product is to make the pieces slightly bigger and the box that the packets come in slightly smaller so less cardboard packaging is needed and possibly try to make the packet that the paws come in from commonly recyclable material too. These points are only being very pedantic though, I really had to think hard on what thing to suggest to change!

Kelly: Multipacks of mixed snacks would be different from the other suppliers, even if I paid more I would buy into this. I like to try all the flavours and give my little one lots of variety but find if I buy all the flavours I've got to store several boxes, so I only end up buying a couple of boxes at a time.

Lena: I would want them to be less chewy for younger babies to enjoy them easier. I would maybe make them look more exciting as they are just a chewy brown shape really and that didn't look that exciting to my four-year-old either, but appreciate these aren't easy to change. The flavours and design are great, also the size. I just wish my kids liked them more!

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