Just like finding the right products for curly hair, we also need inspiration in bringing to life black girl hairstyles. From cornrows to puffs, and braids and more, we are here to help you bring your ideas to life.
Being a parent does not come with a manual instruction book. We learn something new every day, and that makes our journeys into parenthood unique and special.
But, let's face it. Finding the right hairstyle for your child can be a little tricky and even when you try and do it from the comfort of your own home, it doesn't always go to plan. You instead might consider taking your little one to a kid-friendly salon. Whatever option you choose, as we all have different hair textures, the tough part can be figuring out which hairstyle your little girl should wear and the best protective style.
For any child, having someone else make the decisions for them can be hard but a great way to allow your kids to have some sort of input, is in their hairstyles. It encourages them to be creative and feel comfortable within themselves and also builds confidence.
Trying to do a unique hairstyle for your little one can be a handful, but stress no more. We have selected black girl hairstyles that you can do for any celebration. Our guide takes into consideration the length, whether it is age-appropriate, if hair extensions are needed, accessories that can be used and most importantly of all, how to create them.
The best black girl hairstyles
Bantu Knots
If you're looking for a hairstyle that will last your little one for a couple of weeks, then Bantu knots all the way. They are not only a common protective style, but a great way of creating heat-less waves or tight curls for all hair types. You have the option of using your natural hair or purchasing hair extensions, bearing in mind the smaller the knots, the tighter the curls, and the larger the knots the looser the curls. So, if you're looking for inspiration in creating the Bantu knots look, then give it a go and have your daughter looking like a princess.

Afro Puffs
Is today photo day at your daughter's school? Of course, you want her to look pretty, which is why trying afro puffs is a winner all day and every day. This hairstyle usually consists of two adorable"puffs" of hair, one on each side of the head, like smaller versions of an afro. The style is created by parting the hair down the middle and using a hair band on each side. This style is so comfortable, great to do after a wash day and far from time-consuming.

Single plaits
Does your child's hair tend to dry out quicker in colder weather? Then investing in the single plaits style will help keep it healthy and shining. Braiding helps to lock the moisture into the hair, keeping it moisturised and nourished, which will help reduce breakage and split ends. Although it can take up to 2 - 3 hours (or longer!) to create, it will have your daughter rocking it confidently.

Ponytail Twists and Balls Balls
There is always that one mum who loves accessorising her kids' hair with balls balls - no matter the weather. If you have not yet tried the ponytail twists and balls balls style, but eagerly want to, then here is some inspiration. Created by parting the hair in several sections and using a bubble ponytail holder, also known as 'knocker' balls it will add some colour and creativity to the finished look.

Front twists with natural hair
Have you always wanted to give the front twists hairstyle a go: the easiest form of protective hairstyle that you can do on natural hair because they are easy to put in and out. Trying to do this on relaxed strands, may be slippery on the fingertips and may end up unravelling, but a good style to do during the half term or maybe for a sleepover.

Twisted Locs
Locs are super easy to manage, especially in their day-to-day activities. This is a style that's great for kids who can be rough on their hair. Having their hair twisted into locs makes it easier to manage no matter how active your child might be, and the good thing is, learning how to twist is simply using two strands of hair.

Beaded Cornrows
Trying Cornrows will give your little bubba's hair a major break from hot tools and product buildup, plus they're a breeze to maintain. Aside from the technical stuff, they also look pretty cool. Also, in pre-colonial Africa, beads meant wealth, spiritual rituals, and even fertility, and are also a great way to jazz up the hair. Although this style involves a lot of practice, you will be able to create any pattern and shape designs.

Wash n Go
It's the weekend! Maybe you have a family trip planned and you don't want to do a hairstyle that won't survive until Monday - then why not try the wash n go hairstyle.

High side-pony
Hairstyles for black girls don’t need to be complicated or involve thousands of twisting and braiding. Because, let’s be honest when you’ve got a super energetic little girl on your hands, time is just not a luxury you have and before you know it, you're back on the school runs again. Don't fret, the high side-pony with a bow will give you peace of mind.

Depending on the texture of your child's hair, this style is fun to do, easy to look after and gives the face an adorable overall look. Pigtails can also be worn to almost any event, and are especially good for swimming, so If you're looking to find out the best ponytails hairstyles for young girls, then give this a go.

Mummy to a little girl, Adejumoke Ilori is a Commercial Content Writer for Mother&Baby. With a BA hon in Creative Writing, she has worked for digital platforms, where she has empowered women from the inside and out, by sharing real life stories based on relationships, loving yourself and mummyhood.