10 Easy Mother’s Day craft ideas for kids

Mother's Day crafts

by Lorna White |
Updated on

We love some easy Mother's Day craft ideas to do with the kids and there’s nothing more heartwarming than receiving a homemade keepsake from your little one. Any mum will know how special anything their child makes is to them, even if you don’t always know exactly what it’s supposed to be, especially if it's a gift on their first ever Mother's Day!

While Mother's Day gifts are nice and all, they can cost a fair amount these days so we're taking it DIY this year. Not only is a handmade gift much more thoughtful, but kids will also love getting stuck into these easy craft ideas that will make the perfect gifts for Mother's Day, as well as some Mother's Day card craft ideas, and other fun Mother's Day paper crafts.

Whether you're planning on heading out for a spot of afternoon tea or you're spending your weekend staying cosy with your tots indoors, we’ve put together some fun DIY easy Mother's Day crafts for you to do with your little ones on the day or to gift your favourite mums – including some messy Mother's Day handprint craft ideas that kids will love!

1 Hand-painted rocks

We love the idea of using these personalised stones as paper weights or as decoration on outside window sills. First go out and pick the perfect stones to paint on. Then all you need are some acrylic paints and brushes (and maybe some old newspaper sheets to protect your table), then you and your kids can create a thoughtful design on the stone - we love easy designs like flowers, hearts, smiley faces and simple text, but your child can be as creative as they like!

Find out how to make these fun hand-painted rocks.

Mother's day rocks
©Image: projectswithkids.com

2 Tulip tea towels

You can never have too many tea towels, and we think both mums and grandmas will love these personalised tea towels made using handprints to create handprint flowers. You'll need some plain white tea towels and fabric paint to get you started with this make.

Find out how to make these tulip tea towels.

DIY Mother's Day gifts tulip towels
©Image: icanteachmychild.com

3 Flowers and vase

Although a delivery of flowers on Mother's Day is a lovely gift to receive, it's always a bit sad when they die and they never last long enough. These DIY flowers and vases are not only a lovely craft to make, they'll brighten up your day, every day, and never look droopy! All you'll need is some basic craft supplies including colourful card, scissors, paints, paper straws, glue and marker pens.

Find out how to make these handprint flowers in a vase for Mother's Day.

Flowers and vase
©Image: alittlepinchofperfect.com

4 Handprint flower bouquet

There's something extra special about this bouquet, and that's the fact that the flowers are the shape of little hand prints! Ask each child to write their name on their hand print flower so mum can easily see which flower belongs to who. You'll need a steady hand and some cutting skills for this one as well as lots of different coloured card!

Find out how to make this bouquet of handprint flowers

diy mother's day gift boquet of handprint flowers
©Image: nontoygifts.com

5 Thumbprint plant pots

Ideal for green fingered mums – decorate some adorable mini plant pots with some tiny thumbprints to create adorable personalised insect designs. You'll just need some plain terracotta pots, some bright paints, and your child's fingers, of course!

Find out how to make these personalised thumbprint plant pots.

diy mother's day gift personalised thumbprint plant pots
©Image: momalwaysfindsout.com

6 Flower pot cards with paper tulips

These adorable tulips make a lovely gift and card in one. When you undo the little ribbon bow, mum will find a sweet Mother's Day message they can cherish forever. All you'll need is some bright card, scissors, a marker pen and some ribbon.

Find out how to make these flower pot cards.

Diy mothers day crafts tulip flower pot cards
©Image: Pinterest

7 You are my sunshine canvas art

Inspired by the nursery rhyme, this lovely canvas can be hung up in the home to add some light to each day, especially for afternoon tea. Even the smallest of babies can help out with this one and it can easily be done on paper if you don't have a canvas.

Find out how to make this sunshine canvas

doy Mother's Day crafts sunshine canvas art
©Image: craftymorning.com

8 Glass magnets with thumbprint hearts

These lovely keepsake magnets look adorable on any fridge or magnetic board and once you've mastered the art of making them, they make lovely gifts for any special occasion. You'll probably need to head to a large craft store to find everything you need for this project to buy the glass gems, craft magnets and ink pad.

Find out how to make these glass magnets

diy mother's day crafts glass magnets with hearts
©Image: rhythmsofplay.com

9 Egg carton flowers

Use up your old egg cartons by making these adorable flowers on straws! They'd look so cute sitting in a small jar or vase on the kitchen window sill and all you need is some paints, old egg cartons and paper straws!

Find out how to make egg carton flowers

doy mother's day crafts egg carton flowers
©Image: iheartartncrafts.com

10 Love you this much hand prints

We love this adorable 'love you this much' craft project that provides the perfect way of saying I love you to mummy. It's ideal if you don't fancy getting the paints out and requires only a few simple craft items you should find around your house.

Find out how to make these handprint crafts

diy mother's day crafts handprint love you gift
©Image: homesthetics.net

Lorna White is the Senior Digital Writer for Mother&Baby. After running the Yours magazine website, specialising in content about caring for kids and grandchildren, Lorna brought her expertise to Mother&Baby in 2020. She has a keen interest in a range of topics from potty training and nutrition to baby names and early development and has a wide range of experienced medical experts and professionals at her fingertips. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her two young sisters, dog walking and enjoying the outdoors with her family.

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